Friendliest TESOL Cities

Teachers choose their TESOL destination for its pay, weather, nice beaches, and good food, but how does a city’s friendliness weigh into a teacher’s decision and how do you measure it? To answer this question we look into an article by Travel + Escape that ranks the friendliest cities according to safety, cleanliness, and cost of living.

1-Lisbon, Portugal: “Best value for your money”.
2-Vienna, Austria: “Ease of transportation”.
3-Cancun, Mexico: “Friendliest locals”.
4-Singapore, Singapore: “Cleanest city in the world”.
5-Dubrovnik, Croatia: “One of the safest cities in the world”.
6-Zurich, Switzerland: “One of the top 3 safest cities in the world”.
7-Budapest, Hungary: “Best bang for your buck”.
8-Munich, Germany: “Top 3 with best transportation”.


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